Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Four Out of Three

Of the four scheduled interviews, we conducted three. Our second scheduled was MIA. Our Committee chair did reach her eventually - TG for cell phone technology - she was 3 hours away bedside her ailing father. She's rescheduled.

This is what lead time is for.

All three very different but with overlapping similarities (frankness being one). I'm going to reserve choosing until the fourth equation is added to the personality mix.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Visiting Team

The Philippine team has been chosen - 6 - team leader Jenny and I are trading geographic and weather information. She tells me that their district conference will take place in one of the World's Most Beautiful resorts - why is it again that we had a scant few apply to go on this exchange?? And they with 28 wanting to come to Ohio. Hard to wrap my brain around that one!

We will be conducting team interviews this Sunday. Here we go! I'm hoping we have four good candidates. Now might be the time to send in my paperwork to update my passport.